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August 10, 2005

Oakland, CA


It was August of 2003 when I first heard of the amazing healer, Behrooz Danadoost living in Novato. His seminar was scheduled August 16 in Marin. Having just learned that I had CANCER, I became open to finding help and doing something about my life immediately. In addition to attending the seminar, Behrooz began working with me whenever his heavy schedule permitted. I know that his healing sessions completely healed me of cancer of the tongue, as well as many other aspects in my life. I am pleased to be able to write about my experience at this time, and hope that my story may be of help to someone else.  It is with absolute respect and gratitude that I whole-heartedly recommend Master Healer Behrooz Danadoost to any and every one who may wish to become fully healed.

Reviewing my life up to the time before I met Behrooz Danadoost, I had never had a history of health problems. I could hardly believe I had cancer at all. I had become a non-smoker 18 years earlier (after smoking for 15 years). Yes, my tongue, gums and neck were sensitive & swollen from the biopsy, but I felt just fine! I became understandably frightened, overwhelmed and motivated to change my life.  I contacted every relative, friend, and professional I knew, or could research and locate, to access information and advice. It was through these many telephone calls and e-mails that I acquired the knowledge and courage to seek more opinions from new recommendations of CANCER specialists. I investigated all suggestions, ordered & read specific books, as well as received faxes, e-mails, letters, and packets of information via the USPS. It was exhausting talking on the phone so much. This was MY LIFE and I was going to do as much as I possibly could in being responsible for living it, so I became my own advocate. Through this network, I made 2 crucial discoveries: how to get into the ENT Oncology Clinic at Stanford Medical Center to get additional professional opinions and to be seen by Master Healer Behrooz Danadoost. The later saved my life, the former created proof.

Mr. Danadoost was able to relieve me of my overwhelming fear in the very first session, August 12, 2003. I was able to sleep and breathe deeply like never before. Behrooz preformed hands on healing in addition to long distance healing. I listened to both of his meditation CDs. I had never meditated before, so this was also new to me. My fears that he managed to release in his sessions were paramount in being able to receive the healing. The process I felt was not only in his hands; it was part of the universe healing me. Each session was held in an incredibly gracious, peace filled and noninvasive manner. His holistic work also cleared the enlarged bursa on my left elbow, from an earlier injury and totally healed my newly injured and painful strained shoulder, back, and neck.

I am also grateful for the early detection and testing that occurred during this time, from all the highly respected, qualified, recommended, and referred professionals of The American Medical Society here in the San Francisco Bay Area.  My lesion on my tongue was discovered during a routine cleaning by my dentist. The tongue biopsy was performed on July 21. The diagnosis: Carcinoma in-situ with superficially invasive carcinoma of the left ventral tongue; squamous cell carcinoma. August 4, followed with thorough examinations, to insure that my tongue was the primary site of cancer. My lymph nodes were grossly enlarged and it was suspected that the cancer might have spread into my neck. With the possibilities of cancer traveling via the lymph system into the lungs and brain, time was crucial and called for further tests. I was informed of the worse case scenario as the necessity of immediate surgery with the prospect of having a total neck dissection with the removal of my lymph nodes (in order to biopsy them, they had to be removed completely) leaving the left side of my face possibly paralyzed. Mouth cancer is very quick in growth and spreading abilities, so time was of the essence for me to make major decisions.  The C.A.T. Scan was preformed at Alta Bates on August 8.

I was first treated by Master Healer Behrooz Danadoost on August 12, and was admitted into Stanford Medical Center’s ENT Oncology on August 21. My research and development of information showed that it could be best to see if my lymph nodes were simply traumatized by the biopsy. With the passing of time, Behrooz was able to continue with healing sessions. The medical doctors believed that this passing of time might allow the lymph nodes to reduce in size, so it could be determined if they were abnormal and cancerous. This allowed more accurate studies to take place. At Stanford, October 1st, I had a P.E.T. Scan that showed an abnormal growth in my nasopharynx, an enlargement in the left Lobe Thyroid Nodule, and that my lymph nodes were no longer enlarged. Surgery was scheduled at Stanford for October 8, while Behrooz continued with long distance healing.   

On October 7, under local anesthesia, the Head Radiologist performed a biopsy (fine needle aspiration directed by sonar) of my thyroid. NO Cancer! That same day, my excellent surgeon preformed a scope of my nasopharynx, (also under local anesthesia) finding a dime-sized oddity. We were all in agreement to look further while under general anesthesia the following morning. October 8, in surgery, He performed a Left partial glossectomy and direct laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy and esophagoscopy, as well as nasopharyngoscopy of the nasopharynx on the left.  3-5mm of tissue on the left back side of my tongue was removed, (where the scar tissue for the lesion biopsy was performed) to insure there was a clear margin.

On October 13, my 51st birthday, I was told that they did not find any cancer on my tongue (or anywhere else) and that I was completely cancer free!!!!! I did not have to have radical neck surgery! I was able to speak normally within two weeks after the surgery. I did not have any radiation or chemotherapy! I agreed to having two separate specialized Onocologists independently check me every 3 months for a few years following. These exams provide continual proof that I am completely healed of cancer.

It has now been nearly two years and I know I will never have any cancer again.

I am sure that it is the healing from Behrooz Danadoost that completely cleared me from cancer. I am so deeply grateful to Behrooz for healing my whole life.

With highest respect, appreciation & love,

      Christine Dougherty


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